
With a surplus of water in winter and a shortage during the summer, rural areas need more water than is available. This, amongst other situations, means that farmers are finding it increasingly challenging to water their crops. Therefore there is a need to find alternative sources to supply water during times of shortage to maintain the green infrastructure. These issues led MTD to think of a way to bring the balance back in the supply and demand of water, using the water surplus in times of need sustainably and circularly. This resulted in MTD and the water board De Dommel starting the Waterbank.

The concept for the Waterbank was inspired by other well-known and successful platforms where supply and demand are matched. The Waterbank is a platform that connects the supply and demand for residual water. Residual water includes all water flows that currently flow away but can be used for other purposes, such as rainwater, drinking water, surface water, groundwater, and process water. The platform maps out supply and demand to make connections in the immediate vicinity. By using the platform, parties can donate, get or store residual water for their own use at a later point.

By connecting supply and demand, the Waterbank offers alternatives to using drinking water and pumping groundwater and surface water. This ensures that more drinking water remains available, less groundwater needs to be pumped up, and less wastewater needs to be purified. Bringing the water balance back into balance.

The WaterBank’s mission is to connect the daily supply and demand of usable residual water by promoting the various sources. The WaterBank works with a Quality Mark, which guarantees and measures the sustainability aspect, the water quality, and the water quantity.

MTD’s goal is to remain involved in this program after the research phase, to deal with our water sustainably and circularly and support others. The Waterbank is currently only available in the Netherlands, but the ambition is to go overseas.